Increasing conversion and attach rates
Looking at the analytics data we noticed that of those customers who purchased a travel product, about 5% were returning, without any prompting or incentive, to purchase an additional product related to their trip.
The UX team determined the scale of the opportunity and delivered a product strategy that not only resulted in a higher conversion rate with customers who were shopping for their first product but also led to an increase in customers returning to purchase subsequent products.
Less than 1% of customers who had purchased a flight and/or hotel interacted with the rental car cross-sell module that was a part of their itinerary. However, this same set of customers had a high conversion rate of 30%.
Proactively, we also determined about 5% of those flight and hotel customers returned to the site, without any prompting or incentive, to rent a car. These customers converted at 3X times the rate as other standalone customers.
Though the revenues for an attached car was 2.5X the revenue on a standalone transaction, the attach rates accounted for less than 1% of the total rental car transactions.
Our Approach
I first mapped out all the ways flight/hotel bookers entered the site, the funnel flow/engagement and conversion rates. This provided clear visibility into the opportunities and gaps to be exploited.
Next, we established a content/design strategy that focused on:
incentivizing customers with a discount on their rental car as they are shopping for their flight/hotel.
confirming their discount on their rental car after they have booked their flight/hotel.
recognizing returning customers with the discount that they secured due to their flight/hotel booking.
displaying the actual discount on the car search results.
Several variations of tone and design patterns were illustrated and an end-to-end usability test was conducted to measure discoverability, comprehension and perceived value.
Based on customer feedback we further fine-tuned our designs and delivered a comprehensive product strategy.
The message providing discounts on rental cars led to an increase in the conversion rates for flight and hotel shoppers.
Increase in the number of flight/hotel bookers who return to the site to book a rental car.
Rental car attach transactions now account for 18% of the total car transactions.